6 Great Ways To Decorate With Plants
For the most part, interior design is just what it says it is - a way of crafting and curating the inside of the structures that we live and work in so that they are comfortable and pleasing to us visually as well as physically. It's interesting, and maybe a little ironic to note how much of that process depends on the amount of the outdoors that we are able to bring in with us. Wood furniture, stone finishes and even animal hides on rugs and pillows are all little nods to the great outdoors that we love to surround ourselves with when we're inside. But for all of the different ways that we find to sneak nature into our man-made dwellings, probably the most important and most beneficial are with plants. When it comes to good design - whether at home or in the office - you can never underestimate the importance of having plants as part of your daily living space. In fact, when I am working with clients, it is never an issue of deciding whether the space should include plants, but rather which plants are right for the space that I'm decorating and the people who live in it.
There are any number of reasons to include a healthy dose of plant life in any and every room of your home - including your actual health. Beyond their aesthetic value, having plants in your home reduces toxins in the air, and improves air quality to say nothing of the many and varied aromatherapy benefits that particular plants can have. These benefits range from lowering blood pressure to energizing the mind and even encouraging deeper and more healthful sleep.1
Numerous scientific studies have proven that plants are especially beneficial for those who are ill, assisting in the lowering of stress levels among long-term patients.2 The consensus is clear:literally adds life into the space. Now whether your thumb is green, blue or any other shade in the rainbow, here's 6 great tips for ways to enhance your space through an old-fashioned approach to green living.
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