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The Money Plant needs bright, indirect, or dappled natural sunlight to thrive. This low-maintenance houseplant thrives in bright sunshine. Your Money Plant would be harmed if it is exposed to direct sunlight. Money plant can also be grown in full shade indoors. Beautiful variegations on the leaves can often be seen in low to medium light.
Money Plants thrive in humid, shady areas with indirect sunlight, so choose a place accordingly. Your money plant can be placed indoors in your living room, kitchen, or even on your desk!
The money plant adds a splash of beautiful green colour to any room, instantly enlivening it. To add a vivid green colour to your home decor, place money plants on vertical wood panels in your living rooms or beds. This money plant adds a splash of beautiful green colour to any room, instantly enlivening it. To add a vivid green colour to your home decor, place money plants on vertical wood panels in your living rooms or beds.